Thursday, December 29, 2011

Living History Revolutionary War Period(1776) Library Book Find(Grades 6-8)

Found at our public library today for my son(age 14): Going to School in 1776 by John J. Loeper, published in 1973. I've skimmed through it and liked what I saw. The writing is clear and crisp, packed full of historical information written in interesting small bites, shorts sections peppered with old wood cut prints from childrens' books of the time. Highly readable, light, and not dumbed down, this is a super living book for history studies, especially to wet the interest in history of that time period. Although the children's names have been changed in the book, all the the events are real, based on historical record. It covers everyday life of several children against the backdrop of the political and military drama of the Revolutionary War. This slice of life coverage helps add a face and heart to historical facts, a stepping stone to in-depth study, or adjunct to current studies.

Sections covered: The Word of 1776(historical background), Being a Child in 1776, How Children Dress in 1776, The Schools of 1776, The Teachers of 1776, The School Books of 1776, The Lessons of 1776, The Discipline of 1776, Being a Girl in 1776, and Having Fun in 1776.

Loeper also wrote Going to School in 1876, and about a dozen other living history books for children.

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