Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dishwashing Made a Pleasure

From Things Mother Used to Make (1914).

First of all, remove all refuse from the dishes.

Place them near the sink, large plates at the bottom, then the smaller ones, then saucers.

Have a large pan full of very hot water.

Make a good soap suds by using a soap shaker.

Wash the tumblers and all glassware first, and wipe at once.

Use a handle dish cloth (which can be bought for five cents), for these, as the water will be too hot for the hands.

Wash the silver next.

Have a large pan, in which to place the clean dishes, cups and bowls first.

When all are washed pour over them boiling or very hot water, and wipe quickly.

Pans and kettles come last.

Always have a cake of sand soap or a can of cleaning powder, for scouring the pie plates and bottoms of kettles.

It is very little work to keep baking tins and kitchen utensils in good condition, if washed perfectly clean each time they are used.

Wash the dish towels, at least once every day, and never use them for anything else. With clean hot water, clean towels, and plenty of soap dishwashing is made easy.

If you live in New England, your sink will be in front of a window. Be sure and plant just outside of this window nasturtiums, a bed of pansies, morning glories, and for fall flowers, salvia. These bright blossoms will add to your pleasure while washing dishes.

More about vintage dish washing and kitchen cleaning hints here, at Vintage Recipes.

Pictured here, my next sink: farmhouse sink with double drainboards. Ideally, I'd like to find a vintage one in good shape for the rounded edges where it mounts on the wall. I don't like the utilitarian look of the angular edges.

Modern dish hand-washing tips for water conservation:


• Turn it off. Don’t leave the faucet running constantly as you soap-up then rinse off each dish.

• Divide and conquer. If you have a double-basin sink, fill one side with wash water and the other with rinse water. You can reuse the rinse water for each dish, and then reuse it again to water your lawn.

• Aerate. You can increase the efficiency of your rinsing with an aerator that limits output from 2.5 gpm to 1.5 gpm or less (going below 1.5 gpm, however, may be frustrating, given the time it wou
ld take to fill up the sink).

• Do you even need to rinse? In some European countries, water costs are so high that people wash their dishes and then just wipe the sudsy water off, without rinsing.

- From This or That: Dishwasher vs. Hand-Washing

Cute pink gloves from Oilcloth Alley.


  1. Very interesting!!! I finally gave in last year and got a dishwasher after 32 years of marriage. It comes in handy sometimes but I still hand-wash most of the time...Thanks for sharing.


  2. I do hand wash some things, but I still prefer my dishwasher!


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