Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Make Your Own Oil Lamp

I could have used this olive oil lamp during our power outage. See here for a tutorial to make your own(image at left), or go to Lehman's for the parts. 

According to Lehman's, "Olive oil is 99 percent pure renewable fuel, so it produces NO smoke or odor and can't aggravate allergies. Safe since it can't catch on fire if tipped over. Use any green, renewable fuel like olive oil, vegetable oil, or liquid fat or grease. "

Ace hardware carries inexpensive oil lamps, wicks, and lamp oil. We have one of these, but all I had on hand during the storm last week was canola oil. It didn't take well. Perhaps I needed to soak the wick because it burned down very quickly, or maybe it only works with proper lamp oil. I found my oil lamp for .50 cents at a thrift store.

Bottle oil lamps are a great way to recycle. I found these bottle wicks online.  These go in the mouth of a bottle, and a wick is threaded through the top. If you can find a short fat bottle, this could make a stable oil lamp.

Tutorial here

"Then Yeshua again spoke to them, saying, I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." John.8:12

Judean clay oil lamps $17.95(with shipping) from the Holy Land.

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