Thursday, November 12, 2009

By Candle Light

Living by candle light tonight. The Nor'easter knocked out our electricity. 25,000 people in my area are without electricity. I think it will be a while before we get ours back.

I haven't played cards in years, and we took this opportunity to teach my son Gin Rummy, or at least a version of it. I used to play this card game for hours with my grandmother and her friends in Florida - great memories.

The wind and rain continues to hammer us. My tea cup candle came in handy for walking around...nice little handle.


  1. Hey!

    I sure hope that your electricity comes on soon, especially if it's cold there.

    To tell you the truth, I usually have fun when the lights are out. Like you, I re-introduce board and card games and everything just slows down a bit. I hope you can have some fun while the lights are out.

    Take care!

  2. Hope your power is back on by now! Our weather has finally improved this morning, but it is still windy, cloudy and misting rain. this has been going on since Tuesday!

    My dh and I played gin for hours when we first met. I don't even remember how to play it anymore. Now we watch Jeopardy instead. :o)

  3. Hope you didn't suffer any damage from the weather.

    Hope the powers back up for all your area. (Those Refrigerators heat up too fast.)

    I need to re-learn Gin Rummy so my darlings and I have something to do next Hurricane Season. Thank you for the link.

  4. Thanks so much...we are still without power, but living in this area has taught me patience. I'm sure it will be restored sometime next week.


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