Saturday, November 01, 2008

Make Your Own Vegetable Dyes

From Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer, published in 1938, London:


Birch. Betula alba. Fresh inner bark.

Bed-straw. Gallium boreale. Roots.

Common Sorrel. Rumex acetosa. Roots.

Dyer's Woodruff. Asperula tinctoria. Roots.

Evergreen Alkanet. Anchusa sempervirens.

Gromwell. Lithospermum arvense.

Lady's Bedstraw. Gallium verum. Roots.

Marsh Potentil. Potentilla Comarum. Roots.

Potentil. Potentilla Tormentilla. Roots.

Wild Madder. Rubia peregrina."

See more here. Free and in public domain.

Also see more here.

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