Monday, August 15, 2016

CLEP Progress and Homeschool

Oldest is still working on his CLEPs. We decided to work through Time for Writing to give him some review. It seems he has forgotten a lot of what he learned through Rod & Staff English, which was excellent for language mechanics, but weak on writing papers.

He's working through Khan Academy in preparation for his math CLEP.

Starbuck now pays for four years of college through ASU, so I am strongly encouraging him to apply there in the near future. He is still learning to drive, and will be going to a driving school to push him ahead toward a license.

For job experience, he is working as a volunteer with a cat rescue once a week. He's registered with as a pet sitter, but he needs a license to get to regular assignments. There hasn't been a lot of short-term offers.

For career exploration, he signed up for a free accounting class online, and seems to like it! I think he's found something he might pursue. Computer science may still be an option as well, but he seems more suited for accounting.

My youngest continues to use Time for Learning and Brain Pop for homeschool.

For learning adventures, we've been using Airbnb for inexpensive places to stay. So far it has been a good experience staying at people's homes. None have been shared arrangements, so we had the places completely to ourselves. Our next trip is to NYC where we will be staying near Chinatown(inexpensive food) in a small apartment. Good deal and much nicer than staying at a cheaper bedbug hotel.


  1. You and your students have been busy!!! I am always amazed at what a good job you do with homeschooling.

  2. Thanks! I'll come catch up with you. Nice to see you again.


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