Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bookshelves Overflowing!

Putting more books in my Etsy store. We have to weed out some books and make room for new ones, especially since I'm heading to a book sale on Saturday.

I've got a few academic books to list: spelling, English, and history. I should get those up to tomorrow.

It's so hard to part with them, but we need to work on some new skills. We've been using apps and ebooks quite a bit for school, but nothing beats a real book!

We've always had an interest in different cultures, so those items will be listed as well. As souvenirs from the states and other countries are used for studies, I'll be passing them on in my shop.

These knick-knacks, tourist books and pamphlets are so useful for creating interest and extended learning, and helpful for memory when covering history and social studies.


  1. We have double rows on each shelf and they are still overflowing. Whenever I part with a book, I find that I really needed it a few years alter and buy it again. Maybe once the children are all done with schooling, it will be different.

  2. That's happened to me as well, haha. You'll have quite a book sale and/or donation in the future.

  3. I am getting rid of many of them right now! It is very liberating.

  4. Wonderful! I've filled mine up again. Lol

  5. Hm, I hope I will not fill up the space too quickly :).


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