Saturday, June 22, 2013

Frugal Summer Plans

Gas prices have reached almost to $3.50 a gallon in our area! This year we are staying closer to home. A few frugal staycation plans  for us this summer:

- An overnight stay or two at a local hotel which has a free buffet breakfast and a fabulous pool.
- Visit state and federal parks for the day within an hour or two from our home.
- Go fishing locally.
- Visit the library.
- Take a swim class with the city recreation center.
- Learn handyman skills together as a family from free resources online and at the library.
- Go bowling.
- Garden
- Craft and learn to draw.
- Walking tours of the area's more pleasant places.
- Read and relax in the backyard.
- Hang out together with no plans .


  1. I so hear you on this. I have planned at least two vacations ("exciting" ones) every summer. This summer I too am keeping it frugal: No summer camp which was quite costly, instead two Vacation Bible Studies, one short shore vacation, the other...a nice local hotel with free breakfast and nice pool (just like y'all!), library, bowling, lounging, kiddie pool, sprinkler, local park and parks within day trip distance. Prices of everything are insane. I will also...if all goes as planned, be a mamma to a new member of our family as our first foster baby is planned to be placed with us within the next week or two! :) Have a great summer.

  2. Congrats on your foster baby!

  3. Sounds like a perfect summer :)


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