Friday, March 01, 2013

Hugelkultur Low or No Irrigation Garden Beds

"Hugelkultur is a German term that roughly translates to “mound culture”. The hugelkultur gardening method has been used in Eastern Europe for centuries and is essentially a sheet-composting method that involves burying woody debris (logs, branches, sticks) and other organic matter under a mound of earth. This gardening method mimics nutrient cycling that occurs in nature. When trees and branches fall to the floor of a forest, they act like a sponge as they decay. That sponge-like property allows the wood to soak up rainfall and then release it slowly into the soil use by surrounding plants. Hugelkultur beds are designed to take advantage of this natural water-retention cycle – so much so that some gardeners who use this method claim they never water at all." Read more here.


  1. Interesting, I have never seen it done like this, only raised beds or containers. It seems to be also space saving and good for poor soil areas. Thanks for posting.

  2. This is a very interesting idea! We have the hardest time keeping everything watered around here in the summer. The soil is very sandy and its so hot and dry.

    Your blog is so spring-y! Looks great.


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