Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fun Find: Pink Rose Scented Dish Soap

On a whim, I purchased Palmolive's Classic Soft Touch dish soap at our Dollar General because it was only $2.00 for 30 ounces, and it was a happy uplifting shade of pink for a dreary winter. I had no idea it was rose scented! What a nice surprise. It really is gentle. I use it as a kitchen cleaner and as a body and facial treatment with an Asian exfoliating cloth. My skin was so soft afterwards, and the scent was very relaxing.

Now I'll have to look for Palmolive coupons.

Note: The one I found at the Dollar General had the older pull top and did not indicate that it had vitamin E added. It also had the word "Classic"  in the name, not "Ultra". See image at left. There is a more common Ultra version with vitamin E, but I haven't tried this one yet.


  1. Thank you for posting this little find! I love roses and I'm sweet on pink.

    I am also glad you linked to the Asian cloth, because I really need something like that since my Fuller bath brush is kaput.

    Thank you again!

  2. You are welcome. I've got a back brush as well, but the cloth seems to work better. I got the roughest version.

    I still use the Bass brand facial brush on and off...switch it up a little.


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