Saturday, December 29, 2012

Frugal Body Exfoliators

I could never use body exfoliaters because they were too rough on my skin. Now that I'm older, my skin is thicker, and it does not renew itself as readily.  I was having problems with dry skin where I'd have some flaky areas on my arms. Moisturizers did not help; then I tried exfoliating again and my skin became really soft! My hands look better too.

Here's what I discovered:

As Asian exfoliating washcloth. I got the extra rough one, and it's more like a towel because it is long and can be used to scrub across your back with two hands. I add a strong soap on the towel, Palmolive clear dish soap, if you can believe it. I have oily skin and this works wonders. It washes out easily and can be hung to dry on a shower caddy.
Cure Series Japanese Exfoliating Bath Towel from OHE - Super Hard Weave - Blue, 120cm

The second exfoliating tool I found useful for keeping my skin extra clear was a facial brush. It was stiff on the first use, but now it is soft. I use a gentle castile soap on my face(Dr. Bronners or an organic African black soap). My facial skin looks years younger and the blemishes have cleared.

Bass Brushes Facial Cleansing Brush

 Both items should last a good long time. Check the reviews out on these items.


  1. Merry Christmas, Alexandra! Did you know that you could also try baking soda with a little bit of facial soap or ground flaxseed?

  2. Merry Christmas to you as well! Yes, I've tried baking soda and it irritated my skin. I've tried a lot of different things(salt, sugar, commercial beauty concoctions), but this towel and brush are truly a great find for my skin. It's easy too - nothing to buy or make, and easy to clean.

  3. Pure baking soda also irritates my skin, but diluted with soap it doesn't. I love ground flaxseed though, it makes my skin feel very soft.


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