Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Frugal Pecan Pie


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Alexandra! Did you make the pecan pie? I thought the bean ingredient sounded very unusual.

  2. Thanks and I hope you had a nice one! No I didn't made this, but I have used pinto beans when baking bread. It mades a nice substitute, and you can't taste Andthe beans.

  3. What do you substitute the beans with?

  4. You mean if you want to have regular pecan pie?

  5. No, I mean when you use them in bread!

  6. Okay!! lol. It is not a substitution; the beans just add protein to the bread. It's also a way of using up leftover beans.

    I had the recipe here, but it got deleted when I was decluttering my blog posts. I deleted most of the bean recipes, and keep the more complex ones that I wanted to revisit.


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