Monday, March 19, 2012

Rainbow Maker

40mm(1.57 inches) Crystal Ball Prism  
I purchased this crystal before Saint Patrick's Day to make rainbows(for my daughter) in our sunny craft room. It came just in time, and after I hung it in front of the window, we immediately had rainbows all over the wall. Just gorgeous!  It was a great price as well, $2.98 with free shipping.

I almost did this beaded drop with a crystal at the end, but I ran short on fishing wire.


  1. So very Pollyanna~ish! And fun!

  2. That must have been so exiting to have one indoors. We had several outdoors today, but they didn't stay long.

  3. I've had a couple of similar things in my kitchen window for years. From the time my daughter was little, even today when she's nearly 20, she has always loved to find the rainbows caused by the sun coming through the windows and the prism. Lot of fun.


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