Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Printable Vintage Robin Redbreast Stories, Kindergarten and Up

Kindergarten story about robins.
Click on images to enlarge and save, or follow to original link to copy and save(right click on images of pages).

We have had so many male robins congregating in our backyard lately.They've been feasting on berries and pecking the ground for grubs and worms. They are the earliest egg layers and are typically heralds of spring. I've only seen a few of the ladies, but enough to start some of the male birds singing.

More here: Anna Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study, The Robin. Simply right click on images of pages to save. or print.

"I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.—Gal. vi. 17 (AV).I wonder if you know the legend of how our dear old friend Mr. Robin got his red breast?" Story from The Children's Great Texts of the Bible, Volume 6, by James Hastings. Right click on the images of pages at the link to save or print.

The Robin and Other Parables for Children By Frederic Adolphus Krummacher. See here. Right click on the page images to save or print.

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