Saturday, October 01, 2011

Vintage 1920's Fashion Advice for Young Women

Interesting 1928 vintage fashion book, "Appropriate Clothes for the High School Girl":

Suggestions for the Stout Figure

A girl may not only improve the appearance of her face and head by the proper use of line but she may do wonders with her figure, as well, if she knows how to properly design her dresses. A dress wonderfully becoming to a slender sylphlike girl may become a tragedy on her plump classmate. Every girl should understand her physical make-up as thoroughly as she does her disposition, with its strong points and its weaknesses. She should know the kind of line she may wear successfully in her dresses, and the colors that are most becoming to her and the types of materials most suitable for her.

The stout girl should carefully avoid a design in a dress that is too cut-up or complicated. Tunics, unless long and scant, are unfortunate usually and the interest created by trimming about the waist line or elaborate belts should never be indulged in by the stout girl.

Length-producing lines should always be planned and light or colored collars should always be designed so that interest will not be created out towards the sides of the figure, creating width, but down the center front instead.

Contrasting shoes and stockings not only cut from the height of the figure but help to accent the feet and ankles of the wearer. The girl who wears white shoes with her dark dress states, by so doing, that she considers her feet well worth public consideration.

Contrasting materials for sleeves or elaborate cuffs or pockets will add width to any figure.

The designs in the accompanying illustration are most suitable for the older school girl when made up of wool or linen materials.

I may safely recommend this type of line in design for the girl of superfluous weight

I always find these vintage fashion books interesting as they come from a time when my grandmothers were young girls. Both are passed away now, but the memories are saved in old pictures.

Download link here from Project Gutenberg.


  1. My dear grannies would be mortified by the 'choices' of clothing at the mall today.

    Neither of them were wealthy, but they both took care in their clothing. They both would have been considered 'stout' but in every photo I have seen of them in their youth, they look lovely.

    And, I think I understand the popularity of 'vintage' and 'antique' stores. People go there for the memories. Yes, some go to pick up a bargin, or they have a particular collection they want to add. But, how many times I see someone pick up something 'ordinary' and say "My grandpa had one just like this!"

    Most of my grandmother's things are 'gone' but I get delighted when I find her Corelle pattern, Butterfly, in a thrift store. I didn't like the pattern when she was alive, but it sure brings back her kitchen and the cookies she'd serve to me as a child.

  2. My grandmother's were stout as well, but they looked fabulous. Both were big boned, but had hour glass figures. I loved their hats! Even their bathing suits were attractive. I have a few shore pictures of my grandmother and her cousins in 1920's bathing suits, head scarves, and cute strappy low shoes. They looked like they were having a ball - simpler times.

  3. I love vintage charm books. Alas, there are none from our modern age, as we no longer care how we stand, walk, or sit, etc. Grooming often goes out the door, too. Oh, for the days of well turned out women and men...


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