Saturday, October 01, 2011

Support for the Relaxed Homemaker

Home Living
had a wonderful post recently for de-stressing your life as a homemaker. A relaxed homemaker can often find herself out of step with the rest of the world. Being an older keeper of the home, I relate particularly well to her slow living posts. I can never thank her enough for posting supportive and affirming posts on the benefit of an afternoon nap, or "taking to the bed", an old fashioned way to recharge and keep your body healthy when we let ourselves get run down.

She allows for printing of her posts as long as it's for personal use. A handy site is linked making posts print friendly, allowing you to delete sections, and save to a PDF.

If modern society leaves you feeling unsupported and inadequate, read Living Without Unnecessary Stress, and browse her other posts. Slow living is not about being lazy; it's about living smarter, and enjoying a quality of life that lingers, that you can savor and does not lead to indigestion of spirit and soul.


  1. What a lovely blog and article. Life gets quite hectic here sometimes, although I try to minimize stress, but five children are loud! It's good to hear some encouragement.

  2. I've got two, but they are quite active! My husband's crazy schedule tends to make life unpredictable as well. Plans are often broken, or required to be re-worked. I'm generally okay with this, but I tend to be one of those people who likes to work from step one to an end without too much multi-tasking. I've adapted, but it still goes against my grain, so I often need to rest to re-charge!

  3. Thank, Alexandra, I had forgotten all about her website. I need to go back there and feast on the encouragin words. Thank you so much.


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