Saturday, November 20, 2010

Art History Study: Rosa Bonheur, 19th Century French Realist

Biography and Story Study(fifth and sixth grade), Good English, 1917

Famous Pictures(Animals), Saint Nicholas Magazine,1912

BONHEUR, Marie Rosalie (rosa), celebrated animal painter, died at By, near Fontainebleau, France, May 25, 1899. Mlle. Bonheur achieved a fame unsurpassed by any woman artist, and in her own department of animal painting is placed in the front rank of painters. She was the daughter of Raymond Bonheur, a drawing teacher living at Bordeaux, and was born March 22, 1822. At an early age she gave evidence of artistic ability. This was trained and developed by her father, so that when still very young she acquired a fine technique. Mme. Bonheur died in 1833, and the father and children moved to Paris, where Rosa improved her opportunity of studying the pictures in the Louvre. The family was poor and for a time the. girl was apprenticed in a dressmaker's shop, but she soon returned to her copying in the Louvre. Here she worked regularly, and not infrequently sold her pictures to advantage. More here.

The Art-literature Readers, Book 3(grade 3), 1903, Rosa Bonheur Biography

Great Artists, 1899, Biography(middle school and up)

Interview with  Rosa Bonheur, 1859:

"Have you given the Women's Rights question any attention?" we asked.
"Women's rights!—women's nonsense!" she answered. " Women should seek to establish their rights by good and great works, and not by conventions. If I had got up a convention to debate the question of my ability to paint "Marche au Chevaux" (The Horse Fair), for which England would pay me forty thousand francs, the decision would have been against me. I felt the power within me to paint, I cultivated it and have produced works that have won the favorable verdicts of the great judges. I have no patience with women who ask permission to think!"   

Stories of Famous Pictures(third - fourth grades), 1904

Lives of Girls Who Became Famous(fourth - fifth grades)

Historic Girlhoods, 1910.

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