Monday, June 21, 2010

Iced Mint Tea Concentrate from the Garden

Take a two quart bottle and fill half the bottle with clean mint leaves. Add one cup of sugar and fill with boiling water. Let it sit for a few hours, or overnight in the refrigerator once it cools down. This is very refreshing on a hot day. Add a little fresh lemon, if desired, and serve over lots of ice.

Recipe from: More-With-Less Cookbook

If you find this too strong, use a bit to flavor some regular ice tea, or even better, use some as a complement to green tea. Green tea and mint really complement one and other.

If it seems strong at first, it will mellow. I filled my two quart bottle up all the way with leaves, and it was so strong it unpalatable until the next day.


  1. Okay, do you fill the container full of leaves or just put in a bunch?

    Hope you are having a great one!

  2. I'd try just a bunch because this is a strong concentrate.

  3. Oh boy....I haven't made "sun tea" since I was playing in my grandma's backyard as a kid!! I think the kids and I need some sun to come back so we can try this again :)

  4. I'm growing herbs for the first time this year. I used basil in a dish last week. I need to use some mint too.

  5. Hi Alexandra,
    Glad you like the Prometheus moth photo!
    As far as my camera lens, I don't use a special camera just takes really good up close pictures! It's an older model Sony -a Mavica FD100. Hope that helps. :)

    The mint tea sounds lovely!


  6. I've never tried Stevia, but it sounds like it might be worth a try. I'd Google it first though.

  7. Mint tea is my absolute favorite herbal. We also add sprigs of mint to plain water, just crush a leaf into a cold glass. It is so funny, the friends of my children always wrinkle their nose at the idea, but they always like it in the end!

  8. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I'm for Lemon Balm tea! My daughter is growing that, Lemon Grass, and Lemon Verbena. I'll try it as per your recipe above. Thank you and God Bless!


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