Friday, January 08, 2010

Great Masters Art History Freebie for Elementary School Students: Fra Angelico

Fra Giovanni da Fiesole (1387-1455) (surnamed because of his saintly character " Angelico ") was an Italian Dominican monk. He is said always to have said a prayer before beginning to paint. "The life of this really angelic father," says Vasari, "was devoted to the service of God, the benefit of the world, and duty toward his neighbor. He shunned the worldly in all things, and during his pure and simple life was such a friend to the poor that I think his soul must now be in Heaven. He painted incessantly, but would never lay his hand to any but a sacred subject; he might have had wealth, but he scorned it, saying that true riches were to be found in content. He might have ruled over many, but he would not, saying that obedience was easier and less liable to error. He might have enjoyed dignities, but disdained them, affirming that the only dignity he sought was to avoid hell and gain Heaven. He was wont to say that the practice of art required repose and holy thoughts, and that he who would depict the acts of Christ must learn to live with Christ."

Method. — Show the children as many of the angels as is possible, and allow them to choose their favorites. Tell them the story of his life, giving to them some idea of monastic life. Read to them portions, at least, of Vasari's account given above, and perhaps even bits from Ruskin. (See pp. xvii, 7, 8, 9.)  Read entire lesson here, pages 69-72.

Picture study in elementary schools: a manual for teachers
Author Williams Wilson
Publisher The Macmillan company, 1909
Book free and in public domain - downloadable, printable, and readable online. To print, simply right click on image of page at the link, save or view image, and print.

January studies also include:

Mona Lisa , Leonardo De Vinci
Delphic Sibyl, Michelangelo
Sistine Madonna, Raphael

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