Thursday, January 07, 2010

Free Printable: The Story of Saint Agnes

"THE story of Saint Agnes is one of the oldest and most authentic, as well as one of the most beautiful, in religious history. There is none, next to the Evangelists and Apostles, whose effigy is more ancient, for representations of Saint Agnes are found on glass and earthenware vessels used by Christians as far back as the early part of the third century. In these early portraits the lamb, which later became her inseparable emblem, does not appear, but there is no doubt as to their identity, for they are inscribed with her name. It is not known just when the lamb was first employed, but all the later painters used it as an emblem of the virgin-martyr's innocence and meekness. It is probable that the similarity of her name to agn us, Latin for lamb, led to this association, the more so on account of her chaste and gentle disposition.

...On her refusal to worship the heathen gods, Sempronius became furious and threatened her with death in terrible forms, even dragging her before the altar in chains ; but she remained steadfast in her faith."

Read entire story at Godey's magazine, 1887 here(pages 22-26).
To print, simply right click on the image of the page, save or view image, and print.

The feast of Saint Agnes is January 21st.


  1. Thanks Alexandra -I'm learning some history I never knew about. :)

  2. You are welcome Denese. :) I like your freebies as well.


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