Friday, October 30, 2009

Southern Foods: Easy Hoppin John's Casserole Recipe

I was feeling uninspired about dinner today until I came upon a can of healthy Margaret Holmes  Hoppin' John at the grocery store. Even better, the can had a recipe on the side. So I picked up some sausage, and made a very easy, but tasty recipe tonight.

Hoppin' John Casserole:

2 cans of Hoppin' John
One TB vegetable shortening
Hot sauce
Ground sausage(less preservatives and junk) or thick bacon
Brown Sugar
Seasoned salt(Adobo)

Melt vegetable shortening on the bottom of casserole dish, add two cans of Hoppin' John's, spread sausage on top, lightly salt with Adobo, sprinkle with brown sugar and hot sauce, bake at 400 for about 30 minutes.

Typically this is served over rice, but I served mine over sour cream muffin tin biscuits, Paula Dean style(substituted with vegetable shortening, rather than butter). It is a very filling meal. I had mine with only half a small biscuit.. This was plenty!

The only thing I might change next time is to add a can of succotash.

I use vegetable shortening very rarely. Some dishes or baked goods just aren't the same without it though, biscuits and pie crust especially.

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