Friday, January 30, 2009

Saving Money with a Wringer Washer

And just when you thought there wasn't anything more that you could cut back on in your budget. Don't laugh, but supposedly these old washers save time and money! See this article by Pat Veretto over at the Dollar Stretcher.

Pat reports that wringer washers use much less water, less detergent, and take half the time of a modern washer to clean the clothes.

Check ebay, craigslist, and Google for reconditioned or working wringer washers. Lehman's sells new wringer washers if you don't mind the expense.

Something to consider: A few commenters mentioned that some of these old wringer washers can be dangerous, especially for children in that the wringer can pull your hand through if you are not careful. Lehman's sells a "safe" wringer. They don't mention how it is safer than other wringers, but they do answer questions.

And there is always this option.

How to Use a Washboard and How To Wash Clothes On a Washboard

Pictured: Lehman's Washboards and see

The Columbus Washboard Company which "has been making washboards since 1895 and is the only manufacturer still operating in the United States of America today", and they double as musical instruments, Yeehaw! Interesting links at this site. Includes a U.K. link to a soap and washboard site.


  1. I remember these! My grandmothers and mother had them in outside buildings. I remember the day we got a modern washing machine. It was wonderful.

  2. I have wanted one of these for years! I would far rather use this thing than my machines which keep breaking down. My MIL swears that the dirt of her four boys only came out when she used this. She had a modern machine but used this thing for the deep down dirt. :-)

  3. I remember these also. My grandmother used one. I use to help her and remember getting my fingers pulled into the winger on several occasions but they did do a good job at getting the clothes clean.


  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Yes--we had one when I was a child--mother only washed once a week because it was such an ordeal. The wringers were so dangereous, and so many children (and occasionally women) were injured, that the medical profession actually had a name for it "wringer washer arm"--many children remained maimed for life. I love your blog and don't mean to be rude--but some things belong in the past.

  5. Thanks for your comments. :)


    Thanks for the information. I don't think it was rude unless you were silently cursing me while writing your comment. ;) I've added this to the post.

  6. My mom had one of these while I was growing up as well. My parents were of the generation that "went back to the land." They bought a 40 acre farm that hadn't been lived in for 10 years & moved in. No indoor plumbing/running water at the time. They did eventually modernize it but I remember my mom hooking this up to the sink in the kitchen & doing laundry. She never had a dryer until about 5 years ago. There were 7 of us growing up & during the long winter months in Maine she had a HUGE indoor drying rack she used. I still shake my head at it all. I'm still very happy with my modern washer & dryer but this looks really cool. ;-) Sorry to be so long winded - this brought back some nice memories.

  7. Anonymous9:54 PM

    This is anonymous--I was having a bad day, and I appologize--I really do--please forgive me--but, they really are dangerous--even though some are supposed to pop open if something really big--like the arm comes through--I really do love your blog--and I wasn't thinking anything bad--I've been out of work for a while, and have some other problems going on, too, and am having a really hard time. I do know several Amish families who have them--they convert them into using gasoline for the engine. And I actually do have some good memories of watching my mom on the back porch in the summer--she made me stay in the yard--far away. Our next door neighbor's child--my childhood friend, got his arm messed up in theirs. I am not sure, but I think the reason they use less water is that you fill the tub and you use the same water for everything--starting with the least dirty--I 'm not sure how that went. Anyway--its just that everybody is looking for ways to save, and I think you can get so carried away that you could actually get hurt on some of these things. I also had a neighbor when I was growing up who used the washboard (because it was all she had). She put out big loads of wash every day (including diapers). Finally, her oldest daughter bought her an automatic washer--it was a great day in the neighborhood! Again, please forgive me, if it weren't for these friendly blogs--like yours--it would really be hard to keep from crying sometimes. I know lots of people have it worse than me--but still its hard.

  8. God bless you, Anonymous. I'll keep you in my prayers. XOXOXO

  9. Cathy2:20 PM

    Yes, it's true that the wringers are dangerous. My uncle was kept from W.W.II army duty because as a child his arm was wrung up to the elbow while at a neighbor's house.
    As for me, I was taught to keep my fingers far away from the rollers and did successfully help my mom on laundry day for several years. She always believed that the automatic washers used too much water, so it wasn't until the late 60s that she gave in and got a GE automatic.
    I can still hear the sound of the agitator swishing the water and clothes back and forth. Yes, those clothes got cleaner than my clothes do now in our fancy front loader. Probably the phosphate detergent helped a lot, too!

  10. This sounds neat, but also scary because of the comments about getting maimed. I wish my Mom was still here so I could ask her about them.

    Do you know anyone who uses the "safe" kind?


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