Thursday, November 06, 2008

Homeschooling with Free Etexts

We use many of the free resources listed on my homeschooling etext library. I think I now have over 1000 homeschool books saved on my Google Books. There are so many wonderful texts for children, it's difficult to choose. I've downloaded quite a few to my SanDisk flash drive(virtual library) for viewing on our mini-laptop. Right now, I am having my son(age 10) rotate through a few of the readers and history texts on a daily basis.

One of my favorites this week is

Boy Kings and Girl Queens by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshal, published by F.A. Stokes company, 1915.

My son just read the story of Otto III, and it looked so interesting that I read it as well. This public domain book has beautiful color illustrations. Tomorrow he reads about Henry IV.

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