Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Free Homeschool Fourth Grade Columbus Day Lesson Plan and Readings

Columbus Day is Monday, 10/13/08. From a 1920's periodical, Primary Education: Click on images to enlarge and print the two page lesson plan. All are free an in public domain.

Recommended readings per lesson:

The Beginner's American History by David Henry Montgomery - Pages 1-14

From the Old World to the New by Marguerite Stockman Dickson - Chapters 4, 5, 6

A History of the United States by Waddy Thompson - pages 4-8, 11-12

The Story of Columbus and Magellan by Thomas Bonaventure Lawler - Pages 1-67.

If you don't want to print all these pages, these books are downloadable so that you can read them on your desktop or laptop.

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