Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Old Fashioned Hot Chocolate Recipes

Housekeeping in Old Virginia by Marion Cabell Tyree, 1879.

Scrape fine one square of Baker's chocolate (which will be an ounce). Put it in a pint of boiling water and milk, mixed in
equal parts. Boil it ten minutes, and during this time mill it
or whip it with a Dover egg-whip (one with a wheel),
which will make it foam beautifully. Sweeten to the taste, at table. - Mrs. S.T.

To one pint milk and one pint cold water add three table-
spoonfuls grated cocoa. Boil fifteen or twenty minutes, milling
or whipping as directed in foregoing recipe. Sweeten to
taste, at the table. Some persons like a piece of orange-peel
boiled with it.— Mrs. S. T.

Household Science and Arts by Josephine Morris, 1913

3 c. milk
2 tbs. cocoa
2 tbs. sugar
1 ts. cornstarch
1 c. boiling water
1/2 ts. vanilla
Speck of salt

Scald the milk in a double boiler ; mix well the cocoa, sugar, cornstarch, and salt in a saucepan ; stir in gradually 1 c. boiling water and boil the mixture five minutes, stirring it constantly. Turn this mixture into the hot milk in the boiler and beat it with an egg beater for five minutes, or until it is foamy. Serve the cocoa in chocolate cups with whipped cream on top.

See more tips at Kitchen Tips Tuesday.

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