Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Homemade Shell Christmas Ornaments

We live near the beach and I like to gather shells as we walk along the beach. I have jars and jars of them, so for the last few years we've been making shell ornaments. This is an easy children's craft.

Shells(found or store bought)
Clear spray
Paint(any) and small paint brush
Drill with thin bit
Ornament hanger or ribbon

We try to select shells which have natural holes so we don't need to use a drill. The large oyster shells rarely have natural holes, so we use a very thin bit and drill a hole through the top. Then it's just a matter of watering down some glue, painting the shell with it, and rolling it in glitter. Sometimes we also use some children's paint in the glue to add a little highlight to the glitter. To finish it off, spray with a clear spray paint, let it dry and thread some string or a hanger through the hole.

These shells really look glittery on the tree with the lights. We plan to add long pieces of coral next year, like icicles. I also see a lot of sea glass, but I've not tried to drill a hole through it yet - too afraid of broken glass.

See more craft ideas at:

Also visit Works-For-Me-Wednesday Carnie.


  1. Oh those look so neat!

  2. what a wonderful idea. You are so creative Alexandra:).

    Peace & blessings to you:)


  3. Those are beautiful--I just love seashells!


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