Monday, October 01, 2007

Fourth Grade Reading Lessons with Comprehension Questions/Free Printables

Week IV:

Click and print.

Young Benjamin Franklin

Excerpt from above story: "My son," said Mr. Franklin solemnly, "so far as it was in your
power, you have done a greater harm to the public than to the
owner of the stones. I do verily believe, Benjamin, that almost
all the public and private misery of mankind arises from a
neglect of this great truth,--that evil can produce only evil,
that good ends must be wrought out by good means."

Benjamin Franklin from The Beginner's Book of American History by D.H. Montgomery.

Waste Not Want Not

The Lion

Week IV Vocabulary List

Weeks I - III

Unless otherwise mentioned, selections are from the Revised Fourth Grade McGuffey's Reader(1920 edit.), free and in public domain.

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