Friday, July 27, 2007

How To Make Your Own Yeast


Wash four potatoes and then cut in slices, without peeling, and place in saucepan, and add three pints of water.
Cook until the potatoes are soft and then add
One-half cupful of hops. Cook slowly for one-half hour.
Rub the mixture through a fine sieve and then pour hot mixture on
One and one-half cupfuls of flour, One tablespoonful of salt,
One-quarter cupful of brown sugar.

Stir until well mixed, beating free from lumps. Cool to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Now add One yeast cake dissolved in one cupful of water, 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Stir well to mix and then let ferment in a warm place for ten hours. Now pour into jar or crock and store in a cool place.

Use one and one-half cups of this mixture in place of the yeast cake. Always stir well before using and take care that the mixture does not freeze. This potato ferment must be made fresh every eighteen days in winter and every twelve days in summer.

~ Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book Numerous New Recipes Based on Present Economic Conditions(1920) , download page.


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Awesome! This may be an answer to a problem I've been having of getting inexpensive yeast. Now if only I could find hops...

    I want to take this opportunity to say how much I really enjoy all the tips and tidbits on your blog. I'm so glad to have found you for all the free homeschooling things and especially I can spend hours there!

    God Bless!

  2. Interesting! I would have never thought of this :)

  3. Thanks Panda and Anna! I have linked, "hops" so you can find out how to grow your own.

  4. Thanks for the cookbook link. As a former homeschooler now a working mom, I do miss the time I spent cooking. Since I am not at home as much, I make a yeast starter with store bought yeast and just keep it going by feeding it every day.

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    How much yeast does this make exactly?

  6. Did you click through to the cookbook? It's not my own recipe. It doesn't say how much in the recipe.

  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Thanks a lot for this recipe!

    I will try with beer yeasts, and with wild yeasts too... Many recipes and cakes need yeasts... and by us in alsace too many people use awful disgusting industrial yeast cubes that give bad taste, that ruins traditional recipes like kougelhopf... and when we know that yeast is so important for taste...

    Wild hops are growing near my town...!

    When I search for ecological and alternative techniques I first use french keywords in google.

    But I finish allways to search with german or english words, almost allways successfully...!

  8. Oh, lucky you with the wild hops!


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