Sunday, April 25, 2010

Make Your Own Tangrams

Primer of Industry
Author Austin Craig
Publisher World Book Company, 1912
Length 80 pages
Overview(see chapter on Tangrams, scroll down at link to table of contents.
Free to read online and download, and in public domain .

Refashioning a Thrift Store Dress

MJ got this dress off the "Free" rack at a thrift and with a
little ingenuity, she made a custom dress with personality.
See here.

15 Healthy Foods to Have in Your Kitchen

"...Are you stocking your fridge and pantry with the right healthy foods—as in, the ones that give you optimum nutrition for your buck (and shelf space)? Here are the foods to put on your grocery list—and keep there—for a healthy diet." See here.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Kitchen Garden

I am working on this little garden a bit at a time. A few of the baby plants that I grew from seed withered and died while I was sick. Most of them recovered after a good watering. I planted the Roma tomatoes today. Tomorrow, I'll plant the squash.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Homeschool Lesson Plans: 19th Century Lesson Plans for One Room School Houses

I listed this book over at my ebook homeschool library, and thought I'd share it here as well. *Many of the references mentioned within can be found online, and are free to download or read online. I primarily use Google Books to find vintage texts due to the ease of searchability. We use vintage books for elective reading. So many books, so little time! This resource is chock full of ideas for study.

A Course of Study for the Eight Grades of the Common School /Google Books
The work of the studies in sixth grade consists of a body of closely related materials from literature, history, natural science, geography, and language. Each teacher in this grade should examine the whole course for the year, and, as far as time permits, make a closer acquaintance with the material of the different studies. There is a certain unity which binds them all together and makes them dependent upon one another. On the principle of concentration the topics in the different studies are selected along parallel lines. The history stories of the fifth grade and the colonial history of the sixth grade are closely associated with the literature of the colonial period used as reading matter in the sixth grade. The geography of Europe is intimately linked with the stories of the pioneer explorers in the fifth grade, with the colonial history, and with the literature of Scotland, England, and other countries of Europe used as reading matter in sixth grade, and even earlier. The science lessons at many points touch the geography and history of the same grade closely. The language and composition work should be brought into touch with the most interesting topics in literature, geography, and natural science, so as to make it more real and less formal. Keep in mind always the fitness of the material for the children.

*I've begun working off the lesson plans for each grade, listing available books online in my homeschool library. Just use the search engine on that blog to find particular books.

Eco-Friendly Household Bug Killer

Spring means the ants come marching into our kitchen via the window and through our front door. By chance I sprayed them with some Green Works multi-surface cleaner, and they stopped crawling instantly. Now I spray the counters and door threshold before I go to bed, and they have not come back. Last night a large garden roach made its way into the kitchen. Those things are so big! It took a few sprays, but it took down the huge roach as well. It feels safer using this around children and pets. I need to clean the floors and counters anyway, so I get a head start spraying this on surfaces in the evening.

I buy my Greens Works at Family Dollar. I got a huge stock pile of the stuff when they had a clearance sale, 50% off. A large dilutable bottle usually runs about $3.00.

Printable 50 cent off coupon here.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Catnip and Lemon Mint Tea

Our lemon mint is coming up everywhere this year, and our small patch of catnip mint came back. Both lemon mint and catnip make wonderful natural cups of hot tea. The catnip is best drunk in the evening as it can make you quiet sleepy and relaxed.

I use freshly picked leaves, at least seven large ones, and simply pour hot water over them in a cup. Steep for about a minute and a half. Remove leaves and serve.

I've made tea combining both mints, just double the recipe for the leaves(seven each). They are compatible, and the flavors complement one and other.

For a garnish, add some lawn violets (from a chemical free lawn) to your cup.

Edible Plants

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Homeschool Freebie: Vintage Butterfly Study

Common Butterflies( elementary school) - Teacher notes, reading suggestions, and student stories. Free and in public domain, published in 1893. To print, simply right click on the image of the page at the link, and save. Entire book is downloadable:

The first butterflies of the spring are those which have hibernated in their winged state—Vanessa Antiopa, Comma, Semicolon, and Atlanta. They are sometimes tempted out by warm days in March, and in April are quite common.

Here are some hints from Wm. H. Gibson, that sharp-eyed observer and charming chronicler:—

" The butterflies are now frequenting the tender foliage of the willows by the brook, and in a few weeks the first brood of their black, spiny caterpillars will literally weigh down the slender branches as they strip the leaves and leave their cast-off skins fringing the twigs. Hundreds of the caterpillars may be gathered in a few moments, and the walls of your collecting box will soon be hung closely with chrysalids, nearly all of which will have been transformed into butterflies within a period of a fortnight.
Read more here, pages 302-312. A section about caterpillars follows.


The Story-book of Science, Butterflies(young children)

For older children - adults, A History of the Earth, by Washington Irving, butterflies.

Many more here in my Google Books Library.

I saw this vintage cut-out pantin butterfly over at The Paper Collector. Free to download.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Free Vintage Spring Border Designs

These where originally meant for the classroom, but they could be used for any paper or digital art project. Free and in public domain from School Arts, 1915. Go to link, right click on image of page and save, or click on image below to enlarge and save.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Early Elementary Spring Story and Lesson

By Agnes Quish
One bright day in spring, a little gray kitten ran away from her mother.
She was lost and did not know where to go.
She ran on and on until she came to a stream. It was getting dark and the kitten was hungry and tired. So she sat down under a willow and began to cry.
A fairy loved this willow very much. The willow was sorry for the kitten. She bent over it and said, "Do not cry. I will keep you safe.
"Oh, how soft and warm your fur is!"
"I am sorry I ran away from home," said the kitten. Then she began to cry again.
"Do not cry any more," said the willow, "I will bend over you and keep you safe all night. I like you. Now sleep."
The willow liked the kitten's soft fur. "I wish I had fur like that," she said.
Just then the fairy came. She heard what the willow said.
"You are a kind willow," said the fairy, "and I will give you what you wish. You shall have fur every spring, and all people shall love you. Good night, Pussy Willow."
Next morning the kitten awoke in her own bed. The willow found herself covered with soft balls of fur.
The people love her and call her Pussy Willow.

Find the missing word:

Free to copy and paste to your own document. I will add it to Google Documents for easy printing soon.

Little Irish Dolls, Children's Story and Patterns

Teachers Magazine, 1909, pages 24-25.

Saint Patrick's Day Blessings! Irish Paper Dolls

 Some cute printable paper dolls, Mr. Leprechaun and Molly Malone for Saint Patrick's Day courtesy of The Paper Collector. Click on image to enlarge and save.

In Dublin's fair city,
where the girls are so pretty,
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone,
As she wheeled her wheel-barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!"

"Alive, alive, oh,
Alive, alive, oh",
Crying "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh".

She was a fishmonger,
But sure 'twas no wonder,
For so were her father and mother before,
And they each wheeled their barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!"


She died of a fever,
And no one could save her,
And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone.
Now her ghost wheels her barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!"
Midi here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vintage Student's Merit Award Letter

I saw this over at the Paper Collector, and just for kicks, blanked out the original names with GIMP. I haven't figured out how to match the background when covering up areas. Click to enlarge and save, if you'd like to reuse this form. I filled one out for my son because he's had a tough time lately working through spring fever. He's been diligent despite his weariness of school. Here is the original:


Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Carolingian Legends and Paper Doll Costume

Epics and Romances of the Middle Ages, Carolingian Legends, 1887, by Wilhelm Wagner. Free to download or print, and in public domain. Not specifically a children's book, but appropriate for older children, perhaps advanced middle school and up. It's very readable for young people.

Main page here.

I found these Carolingian costume paper dolls at the NY public digital library . There was no doll, but making one could be fun, especially if you can find a head, from another doll or online illustration, to add to your hand drawn body. I'll try to find one, and post it here. Click on image to enlarge and copy.