Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Easy Butterless Pie Crust

I made apple pie last night and used this recipe for the crust. It was so good with my filling made from our early season garden apples. I like a sweeter crust, so I changed the recipe by adding a handful of sugar and a bit more oil for workability. The subtle taste of salt in the crust is a delicious contrast with the sweet filling, and the extra sugar added to the crust recipe. I'd keep the salt despite reviews which suggest otherwise.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Open Wallet, Flying Dollars

When one thing wears out and breaks, more is sure to follow. My computer has meet the end of the road. I still have a big clunky HP PC, purchased about seven years ago. My old printer is shot as well. So I've ordered an Asus Mini-PC(Acer AspireRevo AR3700-U3002 Slim and Compact Desktop) and a HP Deskjet 3000 Printer. I can't wait to get them set up.

On a whim, I looked into prepaid wifi service. Last time I checked it was just at the cusp of being developed, and I have discovered that now it's readily available; the selection of service providers and coverage continues to grow. I went with T-mobile(good coverage in our area) prepaid high speed wireless service . I chose 30 days for $30.00(no contract). We already use T-mobile for our prepaid cell phones. By canceling our land line, we'll actually be spending less than we are now with dial-up which is $12.00 a month and phone service which runs about $30.00 a month. Our dial-up service has been relatively good, and it's been very reliable; however, it has limited us to web surfing and very slow downloads. If the prepaid wifi works out for us, we'll be saving about $120.00 per year.

I'm hopeful that all of these changes will be a good fit for us. And I think we got some good deals, but I always wish that things would last longer - technology marches on. Computer replacements tend to be a surprise expense, especially if you tend to use them up and squeeze out every last nanobyte.

One Step Tile, Stone, and Grout Cleaner & Resealer

A salesperson at Ace Hardware recommended TileLab's One Step Cleaner & Resealer for my tile floors in the bathrooms. Our tile work is relatively new, and I wanted to keep the grout looking new. In the past, I've used bleach or bleach based products and a stiff brush on grout, but this product is much easier. I looked up the toxicity, and it's made with non-hazardous materials(low VOCs). All I had to do was spray it on and wipe up. It was easy on my hands as well. This was a great find and really delivers.

Amazon carries it, but unfortunately, there is no free shipping. Amazon customer reviews are five out of five stars for performance. This product may be available at the big box stores. I know the Ace and True Value hardware stores carry it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Children's Summer Ebook Reading: Classic Tales and Old-Fashioned Stories

Young Folks Treasury, 1909.

Free and in public domain, short and long children's old fashioned stories and classics with color illustrations. I like these free public domain Project Gutenberg books because you have the option of copying and pasting only the stories that you want to print. There are a good number of download options as well: Kindle, EPUB, HTML, etc.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Making Coffee in a Cast Iron Pot

A month ago my glass coffee pot broke from my electric coffee maker. I thought about purchasing a new one, but I am trying to do more with less. I like to maximize my space on the counters. The next morning in desperation for coffee, I tried making coffee in my cast iron tea kettle, and it was very good! With a little experimentation, I discovered that the grounds sink to the bottom when the water is left to come to a rolling boil, taken off the heat immediately, and then left to sit for a minute or two. I don't even need to strain the grounds. The tea pot is well seasoned, so clean up is very easy, just a rinse and quick scrub.

I cook two cups of coffee with half a pot of water and two heaping spoons of grounds. So easy! And I've got more counter space now, not to mention no glass coffee pot and coffee maker to clean.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Free Printable Children's Sewing Cards

See here.

Free MP3 History Drama: Signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776(Limited Time)

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

MP3 description: "July 4th, 1776 Philadelphia" from March 21, 1948 You are there for the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia. The heat is unbearable and even worse is the horseflies. The Founding Fathers are interviewed as well as some of the dissenters who are against Independence—who will win?

See here. Simply right click on the arrow to save, and the download will begin.

And yes, July 4th may not have been the actual day of the signing, just pretend.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Student History Supplement: Old Time Radio WWII Collections on Sale

Live broadcasts from WWII and other original programs from the era. Most MP3 CDs are $4.50 and include over 10 hours of recordings. Patriotic and Fourth of July collections are included. Check them out.
When you click through to a specific collection there will be a full review of the contents and a free MP3 sample.

Image source.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Free Children's Guide to Systematic Readings in the Encyclopedia Britannica

Bored children this summer? Have them read the Encyclopedia. Heh, heh, heh.

A Guide to Systematic Readings in the Encyclopedia Britannica by James Baldwin, 1897 Free and in public domain. The book is downloadable, and pages are printable. To print pages, right click in the image of the page. Text can also be switched to plain text for copy and paste; however, some words do not transition well, and editing will be needed.

Encyclopedia Britannica here.

"Now, my young friends, this habit of reading is your pass to the greatest, the purest, and the most perfect pleasures that God has prepared for his creatures. But you cannot acquire this habit in your old age ; you cannot acquire it in middle age ; you must do it now, when you are young. You must learn to read, and to like reading now, or you cannot do so when you are old." —Anthony Trollope.

Friday, June 24, 2011

DIY Carpet Dry-cleaning For Wool Rugs

Today, I tried a dry carpet cleaning product called Capture by Milliken on our large Persian wool rug. This is an older rug(ebay) with low pile - easy to clean if I could use water. I was concerned that the colors would run with wet extraction cleaning, and getting the extra large room sized rug to dry would be nearly impossible. Not to mention, wet wool smells pretty gross after 24 hours. Someone at a local hardware store recommended Capture to me. Reviews online for Capture were very positive. The price was good as well, under $20.00($17.94)for the kit. So I thought I'd give it a shot.

I found a Capture carpet dry clean kit at Lowe's which contained a spray and powder. The spray goes on first followed by a lemon scented powder. I used a stiff broom to spread it around into the rug fibers, waited a half hour, and vacuumed with my heavy duty Rainbow vacuum. It worked quite well. The dirt from my bagless vacuum's water capture bowl was like mud! I had no idea the rug was that dirty. Tomorrow I'll use the Capture on two bedroom rugs, also Persian wool. I'd recommend this product for wool rugs. You do need a very strong suction vacuum to pick up the fine particulates. My bagless stick vacuum could not handle it(clogged), so I had to lug out my heavy beast vacuum.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Six Steps to Reducing Water Usage in the Garden

See here.

I like her homemade rain barrel; however, we'd need a closed top system in our area due to mosquitoes. A window screen over the top might work.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Back From the Shenandoah Mountains

More later...

Picture taken at the end of a hike as we stood beneath the Dark Hollow Falls at the Shenandoah National Park.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Coming Up Daisies and Other Kindergarten - Early Elementary Flower Lessons

Cute 1898 flower lessons(violets, daisy, cherry, shooting star, wild roses, clover blossoms, pansy, and more) for early elementary, see pages 1005-1059 to print out/read lesson plans. Simply right click on the images of the pages to save and/or print. Free and in public domain.

A few sections from the daisy lesson:

The Daisy

Where does it come from? Does it grow in sunny or shady places? How high does the plant grow? How many blossoms on one plant? What are the leaves like? Are daisies ail alike? Compare the white and yellow daisy, as to form, size, color, etc. What does the white daisy look like? What do we call the yellow center? (The disk.) What do we call the white flowers around the yellow center? (Rays.) They make the daisy look like a star.

If you do not look very carefully at the daisy, it will fool you. You will think that the little green leaves underneath the flower head make up the calyx and the white leaves above the corolla. You will believe, as many other people do, too, that the yellow center is made up of a number of stamens. But this would not be true, and we will need to look again more carefully. What you hold in your hand is not one daisy flower, but a great many flowers.

The yellow center of the daisy is composed of a great many little tube-shaped blossoms, and the circle of white flower leaves is really a circle of flowers. You will find one pistil. The pollen is brought from the yellow flowers in the center to this pistil.

Do you know why it is called a daisy? Because it awoke so early in the morning? What month of the year does it bloom? How long can we gather daisies?


Read one of the poem by Robert Burns' "To a Daisy."

"The Daisy and the Lark," Hans Anderson.


Draw a daisy plant as it looks growing in the field.
Draw or cut and paste a daisy border.
Make a silhouette of daisies with grasses

I'm a pretty little daisy,
Always coming with the spring;
In the meadows green I'm found.
And my stalk is covered flat
With a white and yellow hat.
My stalk is green and very tall,
At night I am a yellow ball;
But in the morning when I wake,
A lovely little cup I make.

The daisy is the meekest flower

That grows in wood or field;
To wind and rain and footsteps rude,

Its slender stem will yield.

In spring it dots the green with white,

And blossoms all the year,
And so it is a favorite flower, .,

With all the children dear.

Before the stars are in the sky,

The daisy goes to rest,
And folds its little shining leaves

Upon its golden breast.

So children when they go to bed

Should fold their hands in prayer,
And place themselves and all they love,

In God's protecting care. —Set.

Convert a Coffee Table to a Desk

See here for the "before" and "after'' pictures. It's hard to believe this used to be a coffee table. Nicely done conversion.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Easy DIY Cement Planter Tutorial

This looks like a really fun summer project! I think I'll add sea glass to my planters, or shells. See here for detailed tutorial with pictures.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Vintage June Blackboard Calendar, Memory Gems, and Red Letter Dates

All from The School Journal, 1910
Click on image to enlarge and save.

June Daily Memory Gems

Red Letter Days in June, pages 404-405.

All are free and in public domain. Pages at links can be saved by right clicking on the image of the pages at the links.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thrifty Organic Vegan Skin/Hair Soap, Moisturizer, and Hair Styler

My new favorite soap and hair shampoo is the all-in-one raw African black soap/shampoo bar. I have wavy to curly fine dry hair, and this works wonders at getting the hair clean without drying. It also holds my curls, so that I don't end up with flat hair or frizzy hair. Fine curly hair will do that - go flat against your head or frizz. The flat-against-the-head look happens sometimes in the dry winters, and then it clings to my scalp. At times, it's quite frustrating to get a proper moisture balance. Thankfully, this soap has given my hair a good moisture balance without having to use a conditioner, and it's convenient as an all-in-one product for body and hair. It had a minor drying effect on my aging winter skin when I first used it, but my skin seemed to adapt to it after about two weeks. It has a reputation for being good for acne and rash prone skin. Again, I think it's the moisture balance and gentle thorough cleaning.

It took some getting used to because it is unscented and smells a little different - a bit smoky. The smell does not linger on the hair or skin. The lather is fabulous, and it takes only a small amount to wash your body and hair. I never put it under the water, just use my wet hands to form a lather. It is a soft milled soft, so will dissolve quickly and get soft if left wet. I store the soap on a raised rubber soap mat (outside the shower stall) to let it dry properly between use. I don't bother cutting the soap into pieces. The one pound bar fits on a soap mat just fine.

To style my hair, I now use a little pure raw unrefined Shea butter from West Africa. It comes as a solid and is unscented. I scoop a little out with a tongue depressor, melt it between my fingers and hands(melts at body temperature), and scrunch my hair with it. Surprisingly, it is not heavy or greasy and can be use sparingly as a curl/style shaper. In small amounts, I can get my natural curls to keep together rather than frizz, and the style stays in place without looking unnaturally stiff. If I scrunch from underneath, I can get big hair with lots of volume that stays. It just looks and acts healthy. I've put more of it in my hair for deep conditioning, and it washes out well.

In the winter, I used the raw unrefined Shea butter on my face with great results - no blemishes, and it made my skin soft. It's too heavy for me in the summer, but great around the eyes for wrinkles. Because it's an all natural gentle vegetable product, I use it on the children as well.

Because a little goes a long way, both the African black soap and Shea butter lasts a very long time. This place sent me good quality fair trade raw African black soap($14.00) and 14 ounces of unrefined Shea butter in a jar($12.00) . I thought the prices had risen, but I must have purchased the sample sizes, which are really quite large! I purchased these in the winter, and I've still got about 3/4 of the soap left and around 80% of the Shea butter left. I think mine was from Ghana, but they currently have these items from Togo, a less economically advantaged country to the west of Ghana.

I would Google "Fair Trade Unrefined Shea Butter" in order to find authentic products. If the Shea Butter is yellow, it may be Kpangnan Butter, often erroneously marketed a golden Shea butter. I took down an Amazon link on this post because I think the Shea butter was actually Kpangnan Butter.

Another favorite:

Ten Thousand Villages fair trade Shea butter in a clay gift bowl with recycled glass bead.